
Red j icon android studio
Red j icon android studio

red j icon android studio

Image Asset Studio is a tool introduced in Android Studio 3. In this article, you will see how you can easily create your application icon in one go. The introduction of Android Image Asset Studio in Android Studio has made it easy. For Android, you need to create these graphics that have to be compatible and supporting to all devices running Android, sizes varying from a smartphone to TV. But creating an attractive launcher icon for your app, that the user will first come across while looking at your app, anyway needs more brainstorming. If so, go to the top of Android Studio to the View -> Tool Windows -> Gradle Console, copy the text in the tool window that should appear (usually at the bottom of Android Studio) into a pastebin and share the link.How to Create Android App Icons using Image Asset StudioĬreating an application interface that the user will like and will be unlikely to forget can be intimidating.

red j icon android studio

If not, go to ftc_app-master\libs, and check for RobotCore-release.aar, and if it exists, continue below. Do you see an entry called RobotCore-release. Down towards the bottom of that tool window you should see an entry called "External Libraries" and expand it.

red j icon android studio

Is there something else that I have to do?Go to the Project tool window (left sidebar -> Project), at the top of that window, you should see a drop down list, use it to choose Project (if it is not already chosen). After doing exactly what you said, that is importing the ftc_app-master folder that is inside the ftc_app-master folder (in the C: Drive), it seemed to fix the issue, however now when I try to push the classes to the phones, they all do what they did before, that is having red-squiggle lines under the class names, and red-text and squiggle lines under some of the methods and variables already in the code. The folder with the file gradlew is the folder that you need to tell Android Studio when importing your project, otherwise you are using the wrong path to import the folder.Īh. Your Android Studio project is still not using the right root directory (as you have ftc_app-master/ftc_app-master/FtcRobotController) whereas you should only see (ftc_app-master/FtcRobotController) in a properly configured project. Is there anything else I should try?I will tell you that those problems are related. I went with the Java Update in my system tray if that matters in any way, or if it even does anything to the JDK. (I'm probably going to end up trying it multiple times to make sure I'm doing it right) I should also mention that since I've been having this problem, whenever I go to Android Studio, after one close out then re-open in Android Studio, I get a message talking about migrating the project to the gradle. I did that, however it didn't seem to fix the problem.

Red j icon android studio